About Us


Transportation Company

We provide full range global logistics solution

You can take your freight & logistics needs with a personal approach on Alexco Delivery company

Long established fact that we deliver your consignments to your location in perfect condition timely.


Frederick Biney

CEO & Founder of Company

Latest Projects

Works across the world

Trusted transportation company

Get professional help

+233 59 887 7517

Why Choose Us

We create opportunity for you to reach your potential

You can bring the world of shopping right to you door-step. Our global shipping solutions makes you realize that the world is a globally village indeed.

Safety & reliable service

There has never been a good time to ship and get your deliveries righ in the comfort of your home than today. Welcome onboard.

Real time tracking system

Timeliness and Affordability is very important to us and our clients

Our Workers

Meet expert team